$25.00 Inc. GST


Event ID: 140012
Date: 04/06/2015

Mike, Matt and Janeden ran Community On Ground Assistance (COGA), wich was a partnership to help people rebuild and recover post-Black Saturday. The group’s funding ran out last week, marking the end of the group. A photo of the three of them would be fantastic – Mike has a book they made with their projects, so that could be a good one to use. Maybe a happy and a not-so-happy photo could be a good. Mike will meet you when you get there, and drive with you up to Kinglake for the photo (Matt and Janeden will be there). If Matt and Janeden are working on a project for COGA, a photo of them with the project stuff would be great. This is a bit of a long one, but hopefully it should work out! Thanks! – Jesse